How things have changed

The author did his field work with Cedric in the 1990’s. I find it upsetting that what hasn’t changed (or what has gotten worse) is how dysfunctional many urban schools still are. What are the answers for getting students to learn? I still contend that early childhood education is essential, as well as support to parents.

What has changed, I believe, is the compassion that people once had about others, who were disadvantaged economically and emotionally.

Thinking about the author

I keep wondering what was the author’s purpose in writing this book. I only want to examine that question in relationship to books that are written today.

Each week we will be reading and commenting on about 100 pages. Comment as you read.

Does it take a village to raise a child? I wonder how different Cedric’s life could have been if his single mother had support from others. Could someone have guided her to understand that parenting involves constant communication. A parent can be angry with a child’s actions, without being abusive. I know, here I am being so white/middle class. However, I always believed that schools must not only support the students who are struggling, but also the parents.

A Hope in the Unseen: Ron Suskind

Beginning August 17, I will be discussing this book. Feel free to follow along with the recommended pages, or read at your own pace.